Having trouble with the internet!


New Member
Hi, I've got 2 computers and on one of them it wont let me get on the internet. I've got a local area connection. And I've tried everything. See what it will do is when I hook up my other computer, it will say invailid IP or something. I've done everything I could think of. I went to Internet options, e.t.c. Can someone please help me out?Thanks.
sure on both computers go to start and click on run in the run command type cmd then when that pops up type ipconfig and hit enter it will then show you the ip for each computer and if they are the same then we can change some things
Ok, thanks for that, heres what it said
{in this order}
Connection-specific DNS Suffix
IP address...... :
Subnet mask....:
Default Gateway...:

Ok, I just did that ipconfig to my other computer and it said this

IP address.....:
Subnet mask....:
Default Gateway.....:

Thats it, what could I change on it?
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Yes, private messaging members doesnt usually get you in the good books really fast. Anyway.... abck on topic

Ive had this problem on a couple of PC's a hile back, its damn near impossible to solve proprly, i ended up unsinstalling and resintalling the drivers for whatever network controllre it is your using. Then it worked fine.

On the machine that stated an IP of try this:

type "cmd"
type "ipconfig /renew"

Now wait for a few mins, if the network controller is responding properly it will attempt to contact the router/hub/host and grab a new IP (assuming your running on DHCP)

Try uninstalling/reinstalling first though.
