Having trouble hosting, Port Forwarding?


VIP Member
I recently set up my Two computers via a hub, where the internet is plugged in one port, and the other two computer are plugged into a port each. I then did a network setup wizard. Ever since I set it up I am unable to host anything properly and people cannot connect to me.

Hosting a game for an example, it says my Internal I.P adress rather then my External I.P adress, so I assumed you just typed in the external I.P adress to try and connect, but it doesnt. I've read around and apparently you have to do port forwarding, but i'm lost when it comes to that, definetly need some help with this.

Thanks ZER0X
are you sure that its a hub? what make and model is it.

Port forwarding is very easy so dont panic. Things to note on a piece of paper
a) What is the port that needs forwarding, for a game you will need to look this up in the games documentation.
b) what is the internal Ip address of the machine you want the external world to connect to (use ipcoonfig to find that)
c) What is the ip adress of the router/hub find this with the ipconfig /all command and the line default gateway.

when you have this get back to me
All the neccessaries are:
Internal I.P:
External I.P:

And its a 5 port Ethernet Switch
ok so you're using a switch, this is different from a router of a hub, really there is no need to forward ports with a switch as a swtich will automatically detect that your machine is communicating over a specific port and will forward all comms on that port to the machine, unlike a router which forwards ports according to certain rules.
Your problem may be fire wall related, is the windows firewall turned on?
I'm using an old windows, SP1 where windows firewall isnt fully implemented in. Of couse there is internet connection firewall, but this is ticked off.

The only firewall I have is my Zone Alarm firewall, But I had turned this off many times and also unisntalled it, but still the same result.

I am able to host things VIA LAN, but just not VIA the net


I've also tried unplugging everything and connecting the modem directly into my ethernet port and USB aswell, both ways still failed.

Wise: 5 Port fast Ethernet 10/100M Switch WS-4005D
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It very much does not sound like the problem is at the switch/connection level, as th direct connect did not work.

Try runing shields up test on the common ports and then try with the port you specified
(dont worry the address looks crap, but the site is reputable)
I did the common ports and this what was said
Your system has achieved a perfect "TruStealth" rating. Not a single packet — solicited or otherwise — was received from your system as a result of our security probing tests. Your system ignored and refused to reply to repeated Pings (ICMP Echo Requests). From the standpoint of the passing probes of any hacker, this machine does not exist on the Internet. Some questionable personal security systems expose their users by attempting to "counter-probe the prober", thus revealing themselves. But your system wisely remained silent in every way. Very nice.

When I did my port 29070

Unknown Protocol for this port
Unknown Application for this port
Trizoy said:
Internal I.P:
External I.P:

That is NOT your external IP..

thats your external IP (which also might change from time to time)

I know that, I mean as in which I.P my External Adress goes to on my 5 Port Switch.

See my two computers connect as and but my internet is plugged into the hub on a port as
ok... If this is a hub, a switch.... it makes a big difference. If it is a hub, both pc will have the same local ip. (I think) and if it is a switch they will have different local ip's.

when you type ipconfig in a command prompt do they report the same ip? Try forwarding the ports (router setup) to either the specific computer (if a local ip is available) or to the ip for the hub (1 ip for the entire hub).

Is this how you do it?

Ipconfig Revealed
Ok, there are 3 PC's your dealing with right? The internal Ip of this machine is

What about the 2 behind the switch(or)hub...
Trizoy said:
ok... If this is a hub, a switch.... it makes a big difference. If it is a hub, both pc will have the same local ip. (I think) and if it is a switch they will have different local ip's.

when you type ipconfig in a command prompt do they report the same ip? Try forwarding the ports (router setup) to either the specific computer (if a local ip is available) or to the ip for the hub (1 ip for the entire hub).

Is this how you do it?
if this is a switch, then no port forwarding is required. Only on a router do you need to forward the ports
apj101 said:
if this is a switch, then no port forwarding is required. Only on a router do you need to forward the ports

It is a 5 port ethernet switch, not too sure what to do now :o
An important point to highlight is, if you remove the switch all together… then connect the pc directly to the modem ethernet cable you still can not get this game to work, this tells me that the switch is NOT where your issues lie. There are limited things to try, are we sure of the port, are we happy that our external ip is correct (does it respond to pings, have you checked it on more than one site).

Your pc refused to reponce to port attacks, there is either a good firewall in place, or you internet provider are blocking ports for you. Are we sure you modem doesnt have anykind of firewall built in (v rare), that win firewall is off, and all other are off.

Other than that there is little else to suggest
My Modem is a speedtouch 530, if that helps.

In DXDiag I tested a directplay and tried to connect from my other computer using this computers external I.P adress. But it failed, although I can connect using <--(This is for everything I host it shows this I.P adress). I also got other people to try and connect to my computer but no hope.

A while back though, Someone was amazingly able to join the directplay using my external I.P Adress(I.E=144.1XX.X.X), but they could not join anything I created if it was a game etc.

As I say this, the complication seems to be getting worse :(

BTW Thanks for your help too guys :)
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