I recently set up my Two computers via a hub, where the internet is plugged in one port, and the other two computer are plugged into a port each. I then did a network setup wizard. Ever since I set it up I am unable to host anything properly and people cannot connect to me.
Hosting a game for an example, it says my Internal I.P adress rather then my External I.P adress, so I assumed you just typed in the external I.P adress to try and connect, but it doesnt. I've read around and apparently you have to do port forwarding, but i'm lost when it comes to that, definetly need some help with this.
Thanks ZER0X
Hosting a game for an example, it says my Internal I.P adress rather then my External I.P adress, so I assumed you just typed in the external I.P adress to try and connect, but it doesnt. I've read around and apparently you have to do port forwarding, but i'm lost when it comes to that, definetly need some help with this.
Thanks ZER0X