Hardwireing Dell PC to Wireless router, Quick response appreciated!


New Member
Just posted in the Laptop thread too, I have a Toshiba laptop (Working on now) which wont connect wirelessly to the router but is working online now with a network cable.

But, the Dell PC that i NEED to be online in the morning (2am now) will not connect with the D-Link DSL-G604T with the cable. It has no wireless card. I had it connected to the router the other day by cable to set the router up, but the router would not connect to the internet (At the time had wrong internet account details, So had to revert to the old USB DSL modem)

Now i cannot connect to the router by cable. Have no idea why. Have moderate network skills so will know what you are on about. I also have MSN to communiate if anyone is willing?

Thank you in anticipation.

This is just a "simple" networking problem with XP, and with two unfamiliar comps i wouldn't know where to start finding spec info and to be honest i don't think it is relevant here.
All of the hardware is working as normal now. (Plus, i found the bloody WIRELESS BUTTON on the front of the laptop, damn Toshiba!!)

I think i am just missing something. All the hardware is fine, i know it works, i think i have a SSID code in there somewhere that i don't need/want, do i need one? An unsecured network is fine for the moment.
IS there a sure fire way to re-set all the settings and start from scratch? All i want is the Dell PC hardwired to the router and working.
Anf then to worry about the laptop, but at the moment the laptop is all i can get on the net with!

Thanks for your help,
I've had trouble with D-link routers before.

Reset the router by pulling the power cord. While holding the reset button in, plug the router back in. Hold the reset button until the lights go from solid to blinking. Once they slowly blink, release the reset button.

Now plug the cat 5 from your modem into the WAN port on the router. Connect the port 1 to your computer.

The computer should detect the network. If it cannot see it at all then it's a conflict with your card. My d-link router was unable to auto duplex with my network card. If you have this problem, go into the properties dialog box for your network card. Hit configure and go to advanced tab, the speed/duplex and select different ones until the network is recognized. You will have to completely close the properties dialog box for the change to take effect.

If it is being recognized, but has limited or no connectivity....Manually configure your IP address to be the router IP with new last digits. So make it xxx.xxx.xxx.101 or whatever you want. D-links (at least old ones) like very specific IP ranges. subnet should default to and the gateway will be the router IP.

If this doesn't work, connect with the laptop wirelessly and go into the router configuration. Make sure the IP you chose was within the IP range in the config. Disable any encryption (shouldn't be enabled on a freshly reset router) and make sure the firewall on the Dell is turned off.
If i try this method of restting the router, will this delete all the internet settings i have saved on it?
This is a wireless router/modem combined thingymijiggy.
But this will probably be easier than trying to sort it out with the current settings yes?
it will restore the router to the defualt settings it had when you pulled it out of the package the first time.