Hard drive to SSD


New Member
My PC has a 1TB HDD and a 2TB SSD. The HDD is my main one but is just about full. So what must I do to start using the other drive (SSD)? Do I have to transfer everything off the HDD to the SSD including Windows 11 or is there another way I can go about it?
You should have setup the SSD as the boot drive when you first got it. Can you offload whatever is on the SSD to a different drive temporarily until you can clone the HDD to the SSD and then put whatever was on the SSD onto the HDD once you clone the HDD to the SSD? To be honest I would just buy another SSD and then just clone the HDD to the SSD and be done. That way you'll have 4tb of space to use. I don't even use HDD's anymore in my or clients builds as it doesn't make sense anymore.
Ok, I've cloned my HDD to the SDD. I've also gone into my BIOS to set up the correct boot sequence for the SDD. Now when I turn on my PC, just a black monitor. Nothing. If I go back into boot and change it back to the HDD, everything is ok. Maybe it's just something simple that I'm missing here.
When you went through the cloning process with the software, when it told you to shutdown and set the bios boot sequence to the SSD, did you disconnect the old HDD for the first boot?

Typically, when I clone OS drives over to another drive, once that cloning is completed and you have to set the boot sequence in the bios, I recommend disconnecting the old drive physically before booting into the new drive for the first time. Just a peace of mind to ensure that it's not booting into the wrong drive.

It doesn't sound like the cloning worked properly the first time around. Perhaps you can format the ssd and retry?

Also, did you pay for that program? The 'free' part of that program only provides some preview features.
If your 1TB HDD is almost full and you want to start using the 2TB SSD, you don't necessarily have to transfer everything, including Windows 11, to the SSD. You can keep Windows on the HDD and simply start moving larger files, games, or programs to the SSD. To do this, you can either manually transfer files by copying them over or, for installed programs, uninstall them from the HDD and reinstall them on the SSD. Additionally, you can change the default save location for new files and apps to the SSD in Windows settings. This way, your HDD will have more space while you make the most of your SSD. If you prefer better performance, you can migrate Windows 11 to the SSD using cloning software, but it's optional and depends on your needs.