My 500 gig seagate hard disk has started clicking like mad. It still works but it clicks loads. For a start it's really annoying and secondly it's worrying as I don't want to save anything on it with the noises it's making.
It passes all tests I've put it through fine, no errors.
Would I be able to RMA it for that reason or would they not accept it for the reason that it passes all tests.
My 500 gig seagate hard disk has started clicking like mad. It still works but it clicks loads. For a start it's really annoying and secondly it's worrying as I don't want to save anything on it with the noises it's making.
It passes all tests I've put it through fine, no errors.
Would I be able to RMA it for that reason or would they not accept it for the reason that it passes all tests.