Grounding yourself


New Member
Tomorrow I am building my first desktop. I was reading to try and find the best way to ground your self while working. Some site say to leave the PSU plugged in, but when new building, you install the MB first correct? I also have read the reviews on the anti-static wrist straps, and some say they didn't work. What's the best way to ground yourself while building?
ive built several pc and i have never had a problem with static, all you have to do is touch the a bare metal part of the case every time before you grab a new part, dont do it on carpet, build on hardwood or tile floor, dont do it with a fuzzy hoodie on.
ive built several pc and i have never had a problem with static, all you have to do is touch the a bare metal part of the case every time before you grab a new part, dont do it on carpet, build on hardwood or tile floor, dont do it with a fuzzy hoodie on.

What if I do it naked on the concrete floor in my garage....:P

So I can just touch non-painted metal just once before working on each piece?
I usually touch the power supply since it's supposed to ground to the case anyway. That or unpainted surfaces on the case as mentioned above should be fine.