Google's Online Operating System. A Security Risk?


New Member

I don't know about this. It's a cool idea. But I could see problems with security and reliability.

I'm not sure I would want all my data on someone's server system. Especially with Google which collects data from it's search engine on what you search.

Also we've seen it so many times. The server is down. So what happens when a server goes down that your data is on. I mean sure your computer could crash too. But I can get that fixed and up and running in no time instead of waiting on someone to fix the server.

What are your guys thoughts on this?
yeah like you tron, i think its totally ridiculous in this age where you cant trust any big company, why would you let them have access to all your files and data no doubt they would at least nose through it, i wouldn`t even store a single file online, and my pc is very secure with various passwords and encrypted files

why anyone wouldn`t want their own files on their own drive, where you can access them anytime without the internet, and where only you and people you allow have access to them is unthinkable to me, you would need to be either thick or nieve.