Gmod Physics Project


New Member
Not really sure if this is the right section, but i need some ideas from CF.

My Physics professor just assigned us a strange project. He told us to find something interesting in physics, and if it vaguely resembles anything coherent, we get full credit.

Well, i was thinking i'd do something cool and create a physics situation in Gmod. I've already thought of the famous Gmod Rube Goldberg machine, but what else can you guys think of that would be interesting to showcase inside gmod?

Any suggestions welcome :-)
coil of wire spinning in a magnetic field (or a "generator"). he would totally be like "holy sh**, no more homework for you..."

EDIT: oops, sorry, i didn't catch the last "inside gmod" part. you could still do it in gmod though :)
download wire mod
download PHX3

find a server which has mods with realistic aerodynamics mod (can't remember the name of it) and make a fully working plane with full aerodynamics, correctly working propellor, or better yet, jet engine.

or you could always just make stuff go bang

or, make a simple rocket:


takes into account gravity, thrust, radio waves, you could put a speedo on there to work out acceleration, and from that, if you alter the weight, you can work out whether gravity is accurate on gmod, the distance from the ground to the "roof", whether air resistance on gmod is accurate...
A Rube Goldberg machine really seems like the obvious answer here! I mean you already thought of it, so it must make sense, right? You could put everything mentioned here into one project.

That said, playing with balance usually works well. Something with a similar concept to this, maybe?
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I built a rapid fire melon cannon on gmod, was awesome :D and yeah making a plane could work ive done it before, had about 3 people sitting on it as i flew it across the map :).
That balance picture is quite insane.

Also, i already have a perpetual machine built, its just a secret...

Thanks for the replies guys, i'll take these and more into consideration :-)