Gmail Problem

I seem to have a bad email 'stuck' in my system, How can I release it.

I am using Outlook Express, as I have multiple Email accounts and that is the best way to collect all my emails.

The account is Gmail, and currently I have 48 emails waiting to load, but when it gets to Email 7 , it shows an error and stops.

I can get the latest emails from Gmail, however what I want to do is clear the error, so I can download through Outlook.

Any Idea's

The only way to fix this is to figure out which email is causing the issue and delete it from the web based gmail. I've seen this many times in the past and that was the only way to fix it.

Thanks for the reply, however I know that it is Number 7 on the download list, but no idea who sent it.

Is there a way for me to clear the Gmail server, therefore clearing the blockage?

Thanks Terry
Solution Found


Open Control Panel
Windows Components (left sde)
Untick Outlook Express
Exit control Panel
Re-open control panel and re-tick outlook express

You may like to store your email somewhere else, in case you lose any.

To do this for Outlook & Outlook Express, create a folder on (e.g.) you desktop.Open the Outlook program and make half screen. Highlight the emails you want to keep and drag to folder. You now have a pernament copy.

I think I have worked out why the problem happened

I installed a program that instlled Google Chrome (missed box to un-tick)

Tried Chrome but prefer Yahoo (Email on Yahoo), when I un-installed it (Control Panel, that is when the problems started.

Open Control Panel
Windows Components (left sde)
Untick Outlook Express
Exit control Panel
Re-open control panel and re-tick outlook express

You may like to store your email somewhere else, in case you lose any.

To do this for Outlook & Outlook Express, create a folder on (e.g.) you desktop.Open the Outlook program and make half screen. Highlight the emails you want to keep and drag to folder. You now have a pernament copy.

I think I have worked out why the problem happened

I installed a program that instlled Google Chrome (missed box to un-tick)

Tried Chrome but prefer Yahoo (Email on Yahoo), when I un-installed it (Control Panel, that is when the problems started.

Chrome is a browser, not an email client. I'd keep it installed if I were you, it's quite good.

And you should try using Thunderbird if you have any more problems: