Global PC Shipments plunge, how will it affect us?


Well-Known Member
According to this news article Global pc shipments plunge in worst drop in a generation, PC shipments plunged 14 percent in the first quarter of 2013 with smartphones and tablets stealing the market.

In view of this, how will it affect those of us that build our own computers? Will the low component prices we currently enjoy go away as fewer and fewer components for PCs are sold across the board? If mfrs like Dell, HP, Asus, etc... stop buying motherboards, video cards, power supplies, etc... won't prices for those things rise dramatically?

What do you think?
You do realize that OEM pc makers use substandard parts in all their machines? Thats why they are so cheap, which is why they break down so much easier and faster then a custom built pc. So technically no, it won't increase the prices for parts at all.
The supply is available, but there is little demand for computers with Windows 8. I imagine prices on these products will drop, and will have little effect on anything else.
You do realize that OEM pc makers use substandard parts in all their machines? Thats why they are so cheap, which is why they break down so much easier and faster then a custom built pc. So technically no, it won't increase the prices for parts at all.
Substandard parts or not, they are still part of the bottom line for the various vendors. If those vendors aren't making money selling parts to the OEM's they will have to raise their prices on the parts they sell for custom made PCs. It's pretty simple economics.
The supply is available, but there is little demand for computers with Windows 8. I imagine prices on these products will drop, and will have little effect on anything else.
Nobody said the supply wasn't available, it's the demand that isn't there. Even if Microsoft were to come out with a newer OS that was as popular as Windows 7, it wouldn't create enough demand to change things.
And I think, that more and more people are learning to build their own computers than buying a pre-built computer that is also the conclusion of it.
Demand isn't there because a lot of people in the US haven't got jobs and the UK is in recession, and the Chinese make their own.
It won't affect us, we build all our PC's!

These numbers are for prebuilt systems.

The components are still made by the same manufacturers we use, open up a pre-built and you will find Asus, Foxconn, WD, Marvel, Samsung, Intel, AMD... if profits take a hit on oem machines, the prices will go up to offset the difference
The components are still made by the same manufacturers we use, open up a pre-built and you will find Asus, Foxconn, WD, Marvel, Samsung, Intel, AMD... if profits take a hit on oem machines, the prices will go up to offset the difference

AMD will be fine. They have APU's in both next gen consoles to be released.
AMD will be fine. They have APU's in both next gen consoles to be released.

That'll only pay back the losses they've had. The wafers will be at cost and that way AMD manages to improve skills and maintain the fab availability.