Gigabyte vs Msi ?


New Member
This is not to determine which is a better brand.
I wanted to know which one might be better for cheap budget mobo's ?

I just found a bunch of GIGABYTES and MSI Mobo's on Newegg under $52 w/ shipping. They are Open box though.
Can you pick one under $60 w/ shipping ???

It only takes a minute, can you help me out please, pick one ???

Link for MSI


Click on the link, and pick one ???
and if you have time, can you pick one of each, (msi, gigabyte) ??

Make sure it has DDR2 800 Standard Memory and IGP on it for AMD AM2.

I'm only going to use 2 burners and thats all.

Thanks for your time.....
The links don't work for me, what boards are they?

In my opinion though, I think that Gigabyte would be a better MOBO :)
I've used MSI for my video card and mobo and they make great products. On the other hand I've never used gigabyte, so it depends on the features of the mobos.
I like gigabyte because they use solid state capacitors on their motherboards, I don't know if they use it for the low end of the market, but when it comes to mid to high end, I would definitely go for the gigabyte one, albeit its a bit more expensive, but I think its money well spent.
Eventhough you are trying to go on a budget, I wouldn't recommend an open box. Not only because of the terms of newegg's open box policy, but for personal preference. Wouldn't you want something new? It may cost a little bit more, but it'll probably work out best for you in the long run.

Also note you are getting NOTHING but the board itself. May it be cosmetically damaged or not, that's all your getting.:)
I would go for a Gigabyte, Asus or a DFI motherboard. MSI is okay and they make (some) high end boards but there more or less a budget board
I had chosen a Foxconn I like.
So I heard alot of people talk about Gigabyte and MSI and decided to go for one.
Since I still can't decide.
I will post a blind mobo test.
I will put a few mobo's details and specs on with the name and have you guys pick one ??
I think I'm going to stick with the foxconn.
I've searched for hours to find something better in the same price range but can't.
Found some MSI's for even cheaper but they have bad feedback.
The only Gigabyte that is almost identical to the foxconn I like is $20. more

I'm stuck
why dont u just pick one and go with it. 20$ could have been worked off instead of racking your brain about this
between me and a friend we had four MSI mainboards crash, roll and burn. well, not literally. but they did fry themselves within 12 months or less. that's without being overclocked.

while they did run, they were great boards that ran nice and stable with great performance.

i have never used gigabyte. so i can't comment on them. we run all asus and abit boards again.
A bought a ABIT that fit my budget
It had a great Mail in Rebate so I went for it

The two best BUDGET boards for $50 were a FOXCONN and the ABIT

and thanks guys

If I ever update again I will use GIGABYTE