getting the right wireless card

ought to work fine, but sometimes companies don't play well with each other, so a linksys may lead to less setup, though theoretically and likely in reality, you shouldn't run into any problems
There aren't any problems with brands not functioning with eachother. The only time that might happen is if you get a bad card or router, they are based off the same exact principles of technology. Furthermore, the type of card you selected is good, don't use a USB wireless card, they have all sorts of issues (connection speed, signal strength, etc.).
well diffferent companies like using different IP's for their networks (linksys 192.168.1.x, belkin 192.168.2.x) and sometimes that means manualy assigning IP's, not a big deal by any means, just it can happen

I'm using that same exact pci wireless card right now and I haven't had any problems yet.

Netgear wireless card

I tried a netgear wireless card and also a usb adapter and no luck with either one, had to use system restore after installing them both. Took them back for refund, I am now thinking wireless is not worth the bother and trouble. I wanted to use my neighbors wireless modem on my old spare laptop. I hook up fine with it on my new Toshiba notebook with built in wifi. I lost everything on my old laptop both times. Its seems like the software was the problem on both tires. I detected his wifi modem with both the card and the adapter but never did hook. Then my puter went into a loop and wouldn't shut down or let me reboot, just keep saying error and if it continues to shut down and reboot, which I couldn't do. Cost me a week of headache, so now unless someone can tell me what to do, I will just stay with the old dial-up on my spare, thank you, Buck