Getting paid for building a computer

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So I put together my dads computer, and he said he would pay me. I have told him multiple times that it would be around 75-150. Now he says he will only give me 50. This seems unreasonable. It took me 2 hours to build, because it was a small case and cable management, and about 30 minutes to install drivers. He did a little bit of driver stuff, about 20 minutes. After telling him that it will cost him around 90 bucks (enough for me to buy a PSU and CPU cooler), he went apeshit, locked me in my room, and yelled at me. He also took my monitor and mouse that I was borrowing from him.

What should I do now? I feel that getting paid less than 75 would be a complete waste, as I also took time to run stress tests too. I installed the OS, but he did all his other programs after that.
As a father, I wouldn't expect my sons to charge me anything for building a computer for me, nor would I charge them. However, since your dad offered to pay you to do it, I guess that's different. Too bad you didn't agree on the amount beforehand.

Hopefully, you can come to a compromise, after all it is your dad. Think about all the things your dad has done for you without expecting payment.
An OS takes what - maybe 10 minutes of actual time looking at the screen to do. You're clicking buttons and walking away to do something else or playing with a phone/watching tv, it's not like you need to be there every second of the process. So you have roughly 2 hours building and 30 minutes for OS/drivers. For $50, that's $20/hr...take it. Know how much I make when I build replacement systems for friends or family members - nothing. I charge for parts and build it labor-free because they're friends or family.

Think about all the things your dad has done for you without expecting payment.

Yeah, that. Like *everything* in your 13-year life so far, ninja.
I only charge $50 to build a system and install windows for them with all drivers and updates. I have my own computer repair business. I can't believe you wanted all that money.
Yeah he was pretty generous to offer you that to begin with.

I would have probably asked for a portion of the bills/house-payment in his situation if you were that insistent on gouging your own family.
Who pays for your food? What about the roof over your head? Who brings you places? Who gave you money for your computer?

I don't think you have any right to get upset and tell your dad he should have paid you more to build him a PC. He probably agreed to it only because he knows you likes computers.

Besides, $50 for 2 hours is really good money. You're talking $25/hr, compared to your first job which will probably be $8-$10/hr.
I think personally 2 hours work is nothing and as its my dad I would do it for free. But as your dad is offering to pay you, $50 is a lot of money for 2 hours work and for a 13 year old. Learn sometimes you need to save for stuff and not just be given it. I remember when I used to wash/dry and vacuum my dads car for the equivalent of $8 every week and that took me 2 hours. It took many weeks of saving to buy an Xbox 360 I wanted.

I would be extremely happy when I was 13 if my dad offered me $50 for a few hours work, and I certainly wouldn't ask for more, $150. Like most have said just think of the time, energy he has used up to cook, clean and the thousands of dollars for clothes and food.
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