Getting CAUGHT! wireless network


New Member
If I got access to a wireless network is it possible for me to be caught by the network admin.
Im not sure on this because I will be using their network IP but I have heard stuff about MAC addresses (whatever they are??).
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mac addresses are a manufacturer hard-coded number that every network card in the world has, and no 2 should be the same. If you're accessing a corporate network and your'e not supposed to, chances are, they should be able to see you, and cut off your connection (if they have proper security in place). If it's a home network, probably not.
If you're accessing someone elses connection who lives nearby to you then yes they can catch you doing this.

Programs like ZoneLabs Wireless Security can block any connections coming from outside of the area you specify.

You more than likely won't get caught, but remembe that this is theft, and I seriously advise against it.
I advise use when you can! Why not it's free! Can you get caught...well yea you could by someone with 3 antenna's and a black van. I would recommend using zone alarm or windows xp firewall. If you use some kind of firewall they will not be able to look at anything on your machine.

Jeremy Whittaker

it doesnt take hardly any brain power to notice someone is stealing your connection/bandwidth.

you simply notice your internet is not as fast as it was say a week ago, and it's not just lag/spikes. you check your connection settings and WOW! there's a new user on your connection.

just boot them and install some basic security. my dad prefers the MAC identification. and the only way to connect that way is if the person is literally in the house messing with the settings at his computer.

if the problem persists or you don't know how to fix it, simply go to your few neighbors and ask if they have a wireless connection. that will usually freak them out aad they won't try anymore. if you STILL have a problem just casually tell them that you are having your ISP come up to your house and see if their are any wireless romers trying to tap into your connection. if THAT still doeesn't do anything then actually DO it and they should get caught and fined. your ISp should be able to inspect your connection and who is within range and all that.
Also, if the person you're stealing bandwidth from has a networking administrator application, then they can modify your system settings.

I know someone who lived by my friend, connected to my friend's wireless network, three hours later their system had, well... alot of dirty images...

I strongly advise against this, awell as it being illegal.
Yeah I would highly go against doing this unless you know how to make yourself "Invisible" to the network. That is possible but I'm not going to tell you how as I'm an upholding member of society :D
You could still tap into a wired networks port. Just need to be very very stealthy, but like I said I will not go into that.