Gaming sound card for cheap?


New Member
Hey there, agen me and my problems...
right now i got an 4 channel speakers but i got 5.1 speakers.... so i use a splitter so my rear.front speaker ave same sound...berk...

Im doing so cauz my onboard just miss every minute...

So i was thinking buying the X-FI cards but they are $$$ and reviews said that a Audicy 2 is almost same.... 80$ for a sound card?(Audicy 2 ZS)

is there any big noticable difference between the Sound Blaster Live! and Audicy 2 ZS?

Witch card would you experts recommand me?
I say the X-FI if you can find it for a good price. If not then get the Audigy 2 ZS, it sounds almost as good, the sound quality is a tad lower than the X-FI.