Gaming headset

silly question: do you have a webcam? if could skip the whole headset + microphone thing, and grab just a pair of nice sounding headphones...might give you more flexiblity in your choices, but thats my two cents, as thats how i do it....have a pair of sennheiser hd201's and a logitech quickcam 4000, it gives me more than enough room to walk around and even the webcam has good sensitivity.
Unfortunately I do not have a webcam so that option is out for me.

I would be interested in doing the add on mic with a good headset. Any recommendations there?
I am just using onboard audio at the moment. I want to get a good soundcard down the road but I don't have the money fro both right now.

I looked at the HS1, it looks like a great headset but I heard that USB does not give off as good of sound as the regular ports.
Newegg had a sale actually, it was $44 and change with free shipping so, im sure they can be found elsewhere on sale.
With the 3 headphones discussed here at the moment they are on par with virtually same specs so go for the cheapest of the 3 and you will be a winner. :good: