FX5500, SB Live!, 17" LCD for sale!!


VIP Member
I have 3 things up for sale on eBay right now, i have a eVGA nVidia FX-5500 256MB AGP video card, a Creative Sound Blaster Live! 5.1, and a 17" TFT LCD monitor. Here are the links for more information and for bidding:

Video Card:

Sound Card:


And dont forget to keep checking back for more items :D
Don't wprry i can gaurentee you wont get less then 25$ for it. more and more people are waiting till the last secend these days.....I liked it better when it was just me :( .

and you will prabally get more then that too. I still havn't decided on what my max is going to be...

and hey its at 15$ now... and whattime dose it end exactly? before 8 or after 3:30 tomorrow? hopefully....
Up to around $20 now, the auction ends exactly on June 6 at 2:18:48 EST (or 10:18:48 PDT) i was sorta hoping that it would end around 4, cause thats when i get home from school, but at least i will be exicted when i get home, lol. Just bid high at 8 lol ;)
Or mayb i will you know get um "sick" I dont want to go to PE tomorrow anyways LOL. I have it last tomorrow (at our school the Persoids tumble, which means, one day it will go 123456, then the next 234561, then 345612 and so on) and it gets hella hott by the end of the day and they are redoing the lockerrooms so we haave to stay in out normal cloths.