FS: Zalman CNPS 7000Al-Cu CPU Cooler


VIP Member
Hey all, since i got my xigmatek red scorpion off buzz1927 i have on use for this anymore. you get what you see in the picture:


The Cooler itself
775 mount and screws
Arctic Silver 5 with some applications left.

I'm asking for $10 Australian (approx. $8 USD) plus shipping in a standard box, roughly $12 AUD ($9 USD) so that's $17 USD, roughly.

Sorry, I don't have the AMD mount anymore, and the Fan Mate 2 controller broke.

Cooler is a bit dusty, got most of it but there's still some under the fan fins, and on the plastic mount. did not affect temperatures for me.

I also do not have the manual or the original box.

cheers. :good:
I used this on my wolfdale 6300. 22c idle @ stock at where i used to live, 37c idle @ 3.8ghz. using AS5.

Might just cut it for a lower-end core 2 quad (thinking q8200 or q9300 or something)
would it be much of an improvement over the stock AMD cooler? I would intend on using it with my Athlon X2 240.
