fs: phenom processor w/ mobo


New Member
like title says, i have a 2.2 ghz 9500 phenom for sale along with a msi k9a2 platium mobo. this mobo is GREAT to overclock and is the choice for gamers. it has FOUR pci-e slots, 2 pci-e running 16x, if you tri it , it'll be like 16 16 8 or something. btw it's for ati cards. i'm looking for 200 or b/o. here are the specs and prices, i don't know what the market is but i just went to tigerdirect, maybe newegg has the stuff but iono, i bought these back in 02/08 and the processor alone was 220? somewhere along that range. lmk

processor(141 shipped)


mobo 160+shipping new
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The CPU price seems a little high for B2 stepping... you can get them new for about the same price. I definitely wouldn't pay more than $150 for it... (there are US dollars right?)
Shame its not a 9650 been looking for one :)

Though I sent you a PM about a few facts which might help you sell your item.
Cpu seems overpriced... i can get one off newegg for cheaper than what you are asking, not that i want/need one since i have a Q9450
Like i said earlier, its a used cpu, and it sounds as if its been overclocked. $100 would be a fair price for it.
it's not been overclocked. you can have my word on it. it's my first build and i still have yet to touch the oc'ing of this. im a noob so i don't know much but only graphics card ;) btw, after the price change as a reference, i lowered the price. lmk
