Fs! Pc Games: Steam Account & Call Of Duty 2 (only Shipping To Usa)


Steam account contains Day of Defeat Source & Counter-Strike 1: Anthology.

Some pictures of the CD's and the cases:

Call of Duty 2 pictures:

If you don't want the CD's or the case and just the CD-Key itself I can always mail it to you by request. Note: Steam games can be downloaded from www.steampowered.com without CD's. As for Call of Duty 2 you need the CD's to install it onto your computer. Sorry.

The original prices for the games were:

Day of Defeat Source ~ $19.99
Counter-Strike 1: Anthology ~ $19.99
Call of Duty 2: ~ $49.99 (at the time I purchased it)

For the Steam account I'm asking for $24.00 and for Call of Duty 2 $15.00. All this plus shipping & handling. These games are in mint condition and still comes with the CD-Keys and instruction manuals.

If you have any questions regarding the games feel free to PM whenever.
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Its like new, the CD's arent scratched, the instruction manual doesnt have any creases or folds, and the case isnt broken in any way. Take a look at the pictures I posted up. I took all of those photos last night.
It actually is against the Steam agrement to sell your Steam account. I got my listing removed on eBay because of that.
Yeah I know but I stopped playing these games so I dont know what to do with them b/c Gamestop or any game store wont take them. Thats why Im also selling it here b/c egay is stupid like that and they also make some money off anything u sell.
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Of course. I honestly dont even know how to use or find cheats. Besides only nubs would try to use them. Promise.
But thats what you were implying right? If I got banned or kicked off of servers for hacking?

Not if you get kicked off of servers, but if Valve finds you cheating. It would be shown here:

Oh, I'll post a screeny. Hey you forgot to cover your username and email just a heads up.

Those don't matter anyways. You can get my e-mail by looking at my profile on CF, and you can find someones steam name by adding them to your friends list, it really doesn't make a difference.