FS:Intel Q6600 CPU


New Member
I am selling my Intel Core 2 Quad Q6600 along with a Intel box cooler that came with a E6750.I am selling this in order to buy a E8400.I do alot of gaming and I was told the E8400 would be better for gaming than the Q6600.
$190 shipped.

You can't be serious... Yes the E8400 stock will be a bit better at gaming since it has a faster clock speed, however the Q6600 is a great overclocker.

Why or why though are you downgrading from a quad core to a dual core? In the not too distant future more games will utilize quad cores.
i wouldn't call it a downgrade because the e8400 can actually OC higher. it can generally get 3.6ghz without even touching the voltages or additional cooling, while that speed is almost the top-off for the q6600
I wouldn't do it, that to me is like trading in a Yukon for a Tahoe :P. If it was me, I'd wait on a new gen of intel CPU's. Or see how the Q9450 turns out.

Anyway, if you sell it, good luck!
i wouldn't call it a downgrade because the e8400 can actually OC higher. it can generally get 3.6ghz without even touching the voltages or additional cooling, while that speed is almost the top-off for the q6600
If he was buying a new one, sure then it may be better, but were talking about selling a Q6600 in order to buy an E8400.

Sorry to hijack your thread, lol.
Selling that processer is a big regret. In a year yes the E8400 2 duo will be faster at games, did you ever think in the future that Games be using quad core then you be running minium specs with your duo;)
overclock man-no need to buy different proccessor-

i aim to go for a intel quad and overclock, got watercooling waiting for it :)
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[-0MEGA-];936614 said:
You can't be serious... Yes the E8400 stock will be a bit better at gaming since it has a faster clock speed, however the Q6600 is a great overclocker.

Why or why though are you downgrading from a quad core to a dual core? In the not too distant future more games will utilize quad cores.

Actually I don't know what I want..LOL!!!!!!!!
your Q6600 will own any current game because DER! two e6600 cores! and it will also own future games because, DER! two more cores? can the e8400 do that?