FS: Fujifilm Finepix s700


VIP Member
Hello, I recently purchased a newer camera and while my s700 has been amazing (and takes excellent pictures) the new guy can do a few more tricks ;D. Thus, I'm selling my s700.

(click for big)

(click for big)

And a picture I took a while ago with it,

When I purchased it, all I got was the camera, wrist cord, and USB cable (read: no lense cover). But I've been using a micro fibre cloth + rubber band combo and never gotten a scratch. Also it seems this camera model is plagued with broken flashes and mine is the same. Its nothing major, you just have to lift the flash up and hold it up to use it (I'm sure its just a spring out of place and if you were daring could be fixed easily).

As for testimonials about how great this camera is, Ramomar's thread has several. (Note: the s700 I am selling is NOT Ramomar's s700)


I guess that's everything, I'll say 100$ + shipping or best offer.

Oh, and my heatware.
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