FS/FT 1AGP 8x card, 1 pcix16 card, and 1 939 mobo


New Member
AGP 4/8x Sapphire Atlantis RADEON 9600 256MB. 55shipped

PCIx16 Powercolor x300se 256 (128onboard) 50 shipped.

ECS RS480-M V1.0 MicroATX motherboard. onboard x200express gpu 50 shipped

Prices are OBO

I will try to find all of the software that came with this stuff.

Or i will trade some/all for a good pciX16 video card. I like to play BF2, and would like @least medium graphics with a decent frame rate.

aim is giantkylec i'm on mostly at night.

i take paypal.
cash if local.
no checks/money orders


I'm contactable via PM,
aim giantkylec
email [email protected]
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I have a Geforce 6600 128MB PCI-E that IS OCed(I ddde extra RAMSINKS and a fan, otherwise its a silent card[fan removes in 2 seconds litterly its a add on not replacmnet]

It plays BF2 on high settings with NO AA and on a res of 1280x786 or whatever the one that is close to that. I couldn't play on the highest res with the highest settings. had to use that res and everything else on high but AA.

what would you trade/pay for it?