FS: AMD 4400+ Dual Core, Biostar T-Series Mobo, 2 GIGS PC3200.


I am going to build a Core2Duo rig so I need to sell what I have now.

since I have DDR I need to sell that also so I can use ddr2 on my c2d.

So avalable is the mobo, processor, and ram.. preferably to one person..

I am not exactly ready to part with it, i am looking for what price I can get for these?..

any questions or specs needed just ask.. Thanks

(I will use ebay to protect the buyer and myself if you want)

(I am only selling 2 gigs of ram so I can put the other 1.2 gigs in my living media center pc)
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you wont get to much money of of ddr 2gb if that is what you ar saying now since 2b was 200 for ddr2-800 bow it is 80 dollars for fast speed ddr2 , start a bid at 0 and mak it so they have to pay at lest 40 bucks
DDR is actually more expensive than DDR2 rigth now. The ram is worth $60-$66 a stick on tigerdirect new right now. I feel that $45 a stick is fair (will only sell if I find a buyer for everything) But the ram is not the reason for this post, the reason is for the mobo and procressor since I want to convert to C2D, and since I wont be able to use this ram with the new mobo I might as well sell it to. The mobo is selling now for $104 on newegg New so I feel $70 is a good price there, and the processor is going for $130 new on ebay - I think $100 is a very fair price there.

So Here is what I would Like to get:

2 Gigs PC3200 Ram = $90
Biostar Mobo = $80
4400+X2 = $100

Does that seem right?
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I will buy it if it is half price *(newegg price)
If you still want to sell it give me more details, I have to buy now.