FS - 2 x 7600 GT cards, router and pci card. + 60 GB ipod


New Member
I have for sale two used 7600 GT graphic cards, both in perfect condition, one with a zalman VF900 cu. Perfect for sli and outperforms/ on par with a 1900 card.

I also have a buffalo 125 MB/s router brand new

and a logisys 54 MB/s pci wireless card brand new

I also have a 60 Gb ipod, my previous ipod broke and i sent it back, apple sent me a brand new 60 gb video ipod (with the new firmware so you can scrol faster and play games and adjust brightness) I have barely used the ipod since i got it back and the plastic coating is still on the front (although a bit frayed at the edges where i used an ipod sock) No scratches or dents and in perfect condition)

Anyone interested pm me.

Im after around £80 + for both the graphics cards
£20 + for router and £15 + for pci card
Open to offers on the IPOd

Hey, about the ipod approx how much do you want for it, if you could give me a price range of how much you want to sell it for. Thanks.