friend in trouble! PC crashes all the time :O


Active Member
Yo wassup guys, I didnt know where to post this so here would be the most appropriate section i thought.
My friend get this weird sound everytime he plays a game on the PC. didnt get it before but now he does. heres the vid:

its fine for about 2 mins, then near the end it happens. I have no idea whats going on.
My guess is you can not go back into windows ? Do you have to physically reboot the computer?

Do you know the build of the computer?
yeah he has to reboot physically. He built it himself I know most specs:
4GB DDR2 Samsung @ 800mhz RAM
550W Corsair PSU.
500GB Seagate Barracuda HDD

for the rest Im stumped.
Something crashed. That's just the sound freezing. Do you get a BSoD at all?

I'd recommend downloading and installing the newest drivers for the video card. If he's already running 301.42, then upgrade to one of the newer betas.
no its not overheating. goes max 45C in game and full graphics. He reinstalled windows and the drivers so I'd have no clue whats going on
Tell him to check his RAM using Memtest86 and tell him to check his hard drive too using Seatools, it's probably a hardware issue. Could try to reseat the graphics card too, not sure if that would help but it may.
If Memtest passes and he still has issues, then swap out the RAM.

I had a similar situation. Display driver would constantly crash. RAM passed, but I tried new RAM anyway. It fixed my issue.
Something crashed. That's just the sound freezing. Do you get a BSoD at all?

I'd recommend downloading and installing the newest drivers for the video card. If he's already running 301.42, then upgrade to one of the newer betas.

No, there is no BSOD, so its stumped me there.

If its not overheating...... then try what voyager said

Yeah I told him to just redownload the drivers and then try it. but he doesnt know much of computers or drivers so I'll pop by in the morning to try to fix it.
he has done, several times. Has a fresh install of Win7. I'll pop round later and get his drivers sorted.

Michael, tell him to download Memtest86 and burn it to a CD and then test his RAM for several hours. Also tell him once that's done to check his hard drive using Sea Tools.
Found the problem his CPU goes upto 80C when playing so tomorrow evening im going round to clean his CPU Cooler and install an extra intake fan
Found the problem his CPU goes upto 80C when playing so tomorrow evening im going round to clean his CPU Cooler and install an extra intake fan

thats funny... Your most likely going to need to remove the thermal paste and reapply... Its very simple to do.

Overheating was my first guess :)

glad you figured it out bro
At a guess I would say that the Graphic Card is not powerful enough to run the program and the graphics system crashes, although those specs should be OK.

Is there an option to run it on a lower graphic spec (so you can test it).

Do you have any other programs running in the background that require access to your CPU or graphics - i.e. Antivirus- automatic upgradesetc that might cause the problem , otherwise as Tech Savvy says, try a reinstall (or repair- if option available)