free microsoft training? and education q's


New Member
Hello guys. first off I am a computer guy I learned hands on by myself. well I then wanted to learn more so my local vo-tech had computer classes for students i took 2-1/2 years of that class I have used/installed/and configured mac osx, linux(multiple distros), and windows on my originally windows xp computer and I have upgraded its ram and wi-fi card. anyways its nothing to special just kind of explaining what I know. anyways I am wanting to get some certifications under my belt of some sort I heard that microsoft has some free training classes and such any suggestions from you ladies and gentlemen?
I would take some sort of computer class that covers a little more then just installation and such.

I'm a system admin and I went to Herzing University for Micro-computering and Network Administration. I was able to learn all the basic OS but also Server OS and management and configurations, scripting, exchange, etc... I learned Unix/Linux and how to configure proxy and such... I learnt a lot more then this just giving you some examples.

This is something that will give you a much better foundation to be able to go and take some of the certificates.
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I know but trust me you won't have a good foundation with just taking these little course here and there.

Lots of the basic and important stuff isn't covered!

When it comes to your education remember it's an investment for a better future. A certificate is not enough to land you a job that pays well... a certificate is something you add your core study!