Free .com .org .net Domain?


New Member
Hello, just wondering that if I made a website hosted from my computer if I could set up a free domain name. Please get back to this
flame1117 said:
.tk's don't even work the same as a regular its kind of like a URL cover up like a makes your ip address a sub-domain, and so it would be (or cjb first...can't remember). The .tk masks the URL, and so does the ones... they are both the same except that the .tk's dont have their name in the URL... So I make .tk's a good, free solution.

However, you can use Although that uses a similar system as, as it makes it a sub-domain...

Well .tk is just a redirector, so like need a free account like so then would be redirecting if your gonna do it on the cheap.
welll there are actually some free TLD's out there... tehy just have some requirements... - they'll give you a free doimain + free hosting - but you have no control over NS - so heh have fun
flame1117 said:
I say just fork up the 10$ a year. most people spend more then that on fast food every week :)
and that free domain plus hosting thingey, you have to be a studen with a e-mail ending in .edu to get the free domain. I just tried because im going to register a new domain, so i was going to see if i could transfer it after getting it for free lol.