OMG you too? Name fail. It's Firefox, not Foxfire.
You probably just got rid of the basic toolbars at the top. Just right click and check them all off (Menu bar, navigation toolbar, bookmarks toolbar)
never heard of foxfire
That's because it's Mozilla Firefox*, lol. We've already pointed that out.
Of course all my spelling errors are on purpose and at my age that is legal. Right clicking does not give me those options. I'm getting "right clicking" cramps!
Unless your under 8 years old its not a valid excuse and should be illegal.
When you uninstalled it did you go and remove profiles as well?
^^ No but, ignorance and cockiness doesnt get you very far around here
Just keep that in mind when your trying to get the "right" answer
No I didn't, but I will next time. Thanks for pointing that out.
Do I need to get legal council now for committing a spelling crime?