I need some help with Forwarding IP and Port Fowarding, I've been having trouble lately trying to get a dedicated server running. I am trying to host my own gaming server just to try something new and the only problem is that my gaming IP is using the Lan IP (eg.[PORT]). Now to the problem I dont know how to foward IP of rounter setting. Can anyone please help me.
Rounter Information: NETGEAR - RP114.
I need some help with Forwarding IP and Port Fowarding, I've been having trouble lately trying to get a dedicated server running. I am trying to host my own gaming server just to try something new and the only problem is that my gaming IP is using the Lan IP (eg.[PORT]). Now to the problem I dont know how to foward IP of rounter setting. Can anyone please help me.
Rounter Information: NETGEAR - RP114.