Format Windows

Hmm, i would say this. Resinstall windows, set it up, let it index, make sure you have the latest drivers and updates. Then slipstream that into a new Windows ISO and then you'll have the performance you need each time y ou install. A new install insn't necessarily the best performance.
you only need to enable it if you want to search for files through windows explorer.
Formatting the HDD does not decrease the performance lol.
Unless if you are nuts and use GUTMAN method to erase the HDD lol.But I am pretty sure you don't do that :D

Performance depends on a lot of things,not just on formatting.For example:

-if your HDD barely works and you have many bad sectors on the HDD,that will decrease the read/write speed and cause performance decrease...

-if your RAM amount is very small and you use a lot of stuff,(especially in the same time),PF usage is increasing ,(unless you have disabled it completely), and causes the HDD to do a lot of work and that causes a peformance decrease...

-if your processor is weak and you are doing a lot of things that needs strong CPU such as long video encodings,that will cause the CPU usage to jump very high if not to even 100%,(depending on the processor strength),and will cause a big performance decrease...

-if OS's registry is full of invalid entries or it is really messed up,it will cause performance decrease...
(Same applies for corrupted OS data (files))...

-Sometimes overclocking can cause performance decrease...

-if CPU temperatures are very high,it will cause performance decrease...

-and so on...

If you have a bad performance,the reasons can be MANY.Instead of formatting HDD and installing Windows operating system very often,rather try to find out what causes performance decrease.
