Fm transmitter


New Member
Hello. I'm looking for a device that plugs into a desktop and transmit music to the stereos in the house. The stereos are between 50 and 150 meters from this computer. The iPhone has lots of variations which send music to the car stereo, and Ive been told it will work for computers, but the distance between computer and radio is too far.

I have found one device
But I'd prefer to have one which supports an external antenna encase reception is not good.

Any suggestions? £50 or less if possible. Thanks
I have a Ultra U12-41417 Wireless Music Gateway . Was about 30 bucks.

To use with computer, you would need Bluetooth adapter, that transmits the music to the Ultra U12-41417 Wireless Music Gateway that would be hooked to the Stereo.

The specs claim 100 meter range, but I found it realistically about 50 to 60 feet if you have a lot of walls between the Computer, and where the Stereo is located.
Ive read up on that, it wouldn't be very reliable for my situation as we have alot of thick walls and wiring between the computer and radios.