OK, my 10 year old gateway was acting weird, so I took it apart, changed the CMOS battery, and that fixed the "not turning on" issue.
Then the computer turned on, but would say "cannot find hard-drive" or something to that effect. Someone on here suggested that I take it apart again, blow the dust out of all the connections, then reconnect everything and put it back together. Now it won't turn on at all!
Did I do something wrong? Is my comp totally shot? Any suggestions would be a great help.
Oh, and by the way, I know that a 10 yr old computer is not worth the time to mess around with, but now it is the challenge that is motivating me.
Thanks for any help.
Then the computer turned on, but would say "cannot find hard-drive" or something to that effect. Someone on here suggested that I take it apart again, blow the dust out of all the connections, then reconnect everything and put it back together. Now it won't turn on at all!
Did I do something wrong? Is my comp totally shot? Any suggestions would be a great help.
Oh, and by the way, I know that a 10 yr old computer is not worth the time to mess around with, but now it is the challenge that is motivating me.
Thanks for any help.