Fixing computers / earning extra cash


New Member
Hi guys

Im will, 19 and from Devon

To earn abit of extra cash I was thinking of upgrading peoples computers / fixing them (feformating etc)

I am going to advertise in shop windows

but I dont know what to write, I will be reformating the computers alot, as that can sort out slow computers

maybe start with

'computer running slow...'

Im a student aswel, so I will prob want to say that

any suggestions?

How about:

Computer Technician for Hire - I Do it All

Is your computer running slow, not at all, or just not as well as you would like it to? Give me a call and let's get your computer running right today!


Joe Blow. (123) 456-7890. 123 ABC St Somewhere, ST 45678.
[email protected].

Yes, that should do nicely. (almost like I've wrote one of those before or something) ;)
it is really worth noting that most users will not want you to simply format to fix there computers most will want them returned to a newish state with all their data intact.
If your intention is to format whenever a computer is slow you will have many angry customers and even if you back up all data and then put it on the new installed OS you would risk putting bad software, malware, spyware etc back on to the new computer, unless you check it all through first.
Also if you format to windows without using your customers re-install disk, many dont have this btw, to be legal you would have to buy a new license key from Microsoft each time you used your own OS installation tools to ensure the customer do not run into any problems and to mainly protect yourself from legal problems.
Reformatting is not always the best way to fix a slow computer.
If you don want angry customers; move to city where many computer repairmen already work at the ¨format the hard drive to fix all problems¨ level.

The problem is that formatting the hard drive doesn't necessarily get rid of all PC problems. E.g. someone has updated a a vista PC with windows 7 and its now working painfully slow and keeps crashing. They have erased the hdd and reinstalled vista, but found it to have inherited the same problem, which had never occurred before. No matter how many times they format it; the problem persists.

Solution: Using a disk dock, place the HDD as a secondary drive into another PC and erase it completely. Install Vista, but not 7, as the HDD cache isn't sufficient for 7.