file sharing


New Member
Can I share files or printers from a wireless LAN that I am picking up from my neighbors house with my brothers computer wich is on the same connection. It is an unsecure network. If so can someone tell me how to do it? Also, its not illegal to get internet from them is it?? Or is it just their fault for not putting a password on it :rolleyes:
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Maybe you can notify them that you can do that. Show them how to secure it.Then they know you can be trustworthy and let you share internet connection and maybe allow you to have access to their files too?
Ok so lets assume you have done the above.. and your now on their network....

Make sure your in the same workgroup... and right click on a folder and share it :) easy!
Go to control panel, system icon, computer name tab, then there's a button that says change. Make sure both computers are on the same workgroup e.g. Bedroom.

Then do what Trizoy says.:)

Go to control panel, system icon, computer name tab, then there's a button that says change. Make sure both computers are on the same workgroup e.g. Bedroom.

Then do what Trizoy says.:)


Would this still apply for Windows 2000?
if they are using windows xp and you are then you can map a drive to the machine all you need to do is go to my computer clikc tools then map network drive. then top box select any letter then botto type \\ThereMachineNameOrIpAddressHere\C$ and his will map the whole of there C drive as windows xp shares it as default without asking and also they wont see it as shared.

But i dont advise this without telling them first

Any help needed PM me