File Sharing Help Needed on WinXP Home Network


New Member
I want to share files/folders with 2 networks but the files/folders on each network is different to each other. Eg...
Network 1. Share folder 'abc' and all of its contents.
Network 2. Share folder 'xyz' and all of its contents.

To do that, I checked the share folder tab in properties of each folder to share it. Both folders are seen by both networks.

How do I show Network 1 the 'abc' folder and not 'xyz'?
And then... Network 2 the 'xyz' folder and not 'abc'?

I am using WinXP Home Ed and it is just a basic network of a PC and 2 laptops.
You set permissions. It's a little tricky in that situation though. You would have to create a new user group for each network. Add the names of all users on that network to the user group. Then set the permissions of the folder only for that user group.
Someone suggested putting a '$' at the end of the naame of the file/folder you want only certain users to see. Only people who have the exact name typed in will be able to access the file/folder.

eg. 'xyz' folder - make it 'xyz$' folder. It will now be hidden unless you type in 'xyz$'.

This method sounds like a quick fix.