Fast internet connections where ?!


New Member

Does anyone know were i can get a fast fiber optic connection from in the UK. Basically i want to be able to stream videos but need a connection that can take the pressure !? I have looked everywere and i just do not know were i can get one from. It needs a upload of 100MB ?

Thanks a lot

Sorry i was meant to say i needed a upload of about 10MB . As i will have about 10 people at a time streaming a 800MB video
Are you meaning like an ISP? I don't know what's popular in the UK, but I can tell you a 10MB UPLOAD will run you alot of money.

Well i will be using it in a business. The download is not important its just the upload that i want. If anyone could guide me that would be great ! Yes i suppose it will have to be a internet service provider unless theres another way !?

they often say maybe 10Mb upload maybe 20Mb download, but they will not download and upload at that rate. so really to be able to upload at 100Mb you will need something far better. it will cost you a lot of money
Well, there's a way around that with some tweaking. I have a 6Mb line and on a daily basis can get speeds past 9Mb.
For 10Mb upload, what you need is T2 i think. Which, is very expensive. Unfortuneatly, i dont know of any companies that offer T2 connections.
if you want to host a server, just have someone do it, like a dedicated server, it will save you a lot of money. i know a t1 line in the US runs about $6,000 a month, and T2 is a lot more
way2evil said:
if you want to host a server, just have someone do it, like a dedicated server, it will save you a lot of money. i know a t1 line in the US runs about $6,000 a month, and T2 is a lot more

Not necessarily. Depending on your location and a wide variety of factors, an average full T1 line can cost anything from $200 - $800/month.

Thanks for all the replys. So i would probably need to be looking into where i can get a T1 connection. I have spoken to a company that focuses on streaming videos but they wanted to charge me 1p for every minute of video streamed. Now that adds up too a lot of money so i think it will be cheaper to get my own internet connection . They also wanted to charge me for storage. I have seen a connection that has 800 k upload . How many people do you think that would take streaming a 800MB video ? bearing in mind i do not want any lag

It's a shame; if you were over here in the US you can get FiOS if you lived in a Verizon territory. I currently have the 15Mbps down / 2Mbps up residential package that soon is to be upgraded (although it's still just a rumor) to 20Mbps/5Mbps. Verizon also offers a business package with a static IP for a few bucks more, well $50 more than what I pay $50/month. There are a few residential fiber providers such as SBC and some in California I believe. But I wouldn't move to a different country for just an internet connection… or would I ;).

Unfortunatly i do not live in the US and over costs would occur if i decided to host it in the US. I am tempted to use one of the Japanese servers and host from there but im afraid i will lose speeds becuase i will be focusing on UK residents !. Still if anyone knows of a company in UK that can match the Japanese speeds please let me know. Im sure it will need to be running on fiber optics so i will have to host it in London or somewere like that. What connection do the big hosting companys use ! it must be huge ? Does anyone know this?

They can get up there, depending on the hosting company they can go all the way up to multiple OC 192 lines (symmetrical 10Gbps) :eek:. There is the mysterious OC 768 (symmetrical 40Gbps) line but I have never seen any OC 768 equipment in person.

I would personally ask around and see if anyone knows a good host in your area.
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Is SBC the company or a type of internet connection ? . Another thing i would look at is somehow joining internet connections and as more and more people want to use my service i will get more and more connections. This could be a idea ? what you all think
