Fans not working


New Member
After my computer started turns off by itself I tried to fix it so I have changed my case fan, PSU, removed everything whats not necessary to run computer. So now I have only mobo, ram, PSU. Yesterday I have installed new heatsink whit fan but when turn power on case fan and cpu fan not spinning. They only spin for a sec or two when I turn power off. What is the problem.

Thanks for any help.
Sounds like you might have a loose connection somewhere, check all your connections and make sure they are tight and are connected right.
I have checked all my connections, I even removed my mobo and connect to my new computer (actually to PSU) and same thing. Fans do not start when I turn power on. They only spin few times when I turn power off. So I think either mobo or PCU just died. What do you think?

Thanks for reply
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I will try explain better my situation. Few weeks ago my computer started turn off by itself after few minutes with no warnings. I though that I have a problem whit PSU so I bought and installed new one. Then I noticed my case fan not working and also replaced whit new one. But still computer turned off after few minutes and I also noticed that after computer turns off both CPU and case fans were pulsated ( like back and forward). So I decided to pull out sound card, graphics card, CD and DVD drives, TV tuner and HD ( to make sure they not coast the problem) but computer still turned off. Yesterday I installed new heatsink whit fan and tried to turn computer on but it did not start at all. The fans spins only a bit while i turn power off. So now I can not even get to the BIOS.
There is any way to fix it? What should I do now? (maybe throw it to the garbage :)))))

Thanx for help and ask for more
So you ran just the case fans with a new psu and it still wouldnt work? I know with my psu when I do that you have to jump it with a paperclip did you do that if your psu says to?