fah can only do 1 work unit


hi, i have just started folding on my gpu and for some reason if i leave it to fold over night it makes my whole computer go to sleep or something (not entirely sure but when i turn on my computre the next day ti doesn't do the normal startup and goes straight to the log in screen saying that my account is locked)

do you have any idea of what i can do to try and fix this?

i will try leaving firefox open this time and maybe it won't go to sleep.

thanks for your time!
What OS are you running? In Win7, search (from the "Start" menu) "power" w/o quotes, go down to Power Options, click or press "Enter" and click "High Performance" and change the settings around a little so it doesn't go to sleep or turn the display off. Or you can change the settings for "Balanced", but I'd change it back whenever I don't need to keep it on it save power.