External Hard-drive problem

PC WizKid

New Member
Hello guys

I have a cheap 80GB Freecom External HD that doesn't want to work any more. If connect it up to PC and flick the switich the power light, but the actual drive doesn't start up anymore. The reason I want to get it working if possible so sell it for more ebay, than selling it as faulty. Please help me.

BTW, it is out of warrantly.
So excuse me if im wrong..but if we help you get it working you then want to sell a potentially faulty drive on eBay as working to con the buyer?

Seems like that your explaining anyway....sell it on before it fails.

Take the drive out of its external enclosure and fit it in our PC,if it works fine then if could be a problem with the enclosures PCB board,that basically converts it from Sata to usb...or ide to usb which ever one you have.
No, what I mean is I want to get working by all means hopefully and sell it on ebay. If I cannot get it working I will sell it on ebay as faultly.