External Hard disk drive wireless usage


New Member
Hi all. Im thinking of purchasing an external hard disk (200GB - iomega). The one im talking about can be found directly here:

http://www.iomega-europe.com/eu/prod...silver_200g b

i have a wireless network set up in my house. Me and my da have laptops. I was just wondering if it would be possible to use this hard disk as a wireless storage hard disk so that we can both access the hard disk wirelessly. And also what would it take to do this? does the hard disk have to be constantly connected to an always on computer to be able to be accessed wirelessly by the other 2 laptops?

Thanx all forumin advance.
The harddrive would need to be connected to the computer which is on the most. As the drive will only be available if that computer is on... You just install the drive, and when you can see it in my computer, right click on it and click sharing. Make sure you put encrypt your wireless signal though.

Then again, I wonder if you could hook one up to a network printer device for wireless networks... It is only USB...