Extend wireless with crossover


New Member
PC 1 is wired to modem/router
PC 2 connects wirelessly (usb)
I want to connect PC 3 to PC 2 via crossover cable. This works for file sharing, but I'm not sure about the IP's. Do you think it's poss to manually configure PC3 or will the connections conflict with each other (PC 2 will effectively have 2 networks)?

there is supposidly a way that you can bridge the network connections on computer number 2 so that they can all communicate with each other, but i've yet to actually get it to work
Bridge the connection and turn on ICS, (internet connection sharing). Let me know if you need help.

Thanks. Turn on ICS between PC 2 and 3 yes? Have tried that, and tried with all firewalls off - no luck. It may be further complicated between OS's, PC 1 is XP, PC 2 and PC 3 are 98SE.
yeah you would have to internet connection share there are some downsides though...

slower performance

the PC you share the connection with must always be on and connected for the shared comptuer to work

I recomend just buying a decent router, load third party firmware on it, and then bridge the connections via routers