You people MUST WAIT till tax time!!!
is your card the 1180 version?
theres a guy who put something in the Desktop Computers section after these, couldn't put it here because of hes got low post count, dunno if you want to pay attention to it tho
Haha well I'm NOT dropping the price so I may still have it. I will keep it before going any lower.
Compare the GTX285 to my 4870DK 1G and convince me to buy it for my new build.
My only question is why sell it? I mean get rid of your girlfriend/wife first...I mean has your GPU ever said "not tonight" or get jealous when you play with another card? See the reason man!
*free bump for you*
Thats easy man. Crossfired 4870 1gb's=21k 3dmark06 score, single gtx285=23k 3dmark06 score.