Everything keeps scrolling down to the end


New Member
hello :)
My laptop performed well for 1 year and some months . It has Windows Vista home edition . i got a little prob.1 Week ago, my laptop (compaq c700 series) started to act weird . All the windows - computer explorer , browsers ( firefox ,chrome etc ),even the windows Volume controller - all are moving down on their own . And when i try to hold left mouse button and move the scroll up it doesn't go up and stay at the end . It was lying on my table as usual and it didn't drop or i didn't hit it with smthing .I checked -mine down arrow key is not stuck . I disabled my touch pad and removed my usb mouse too but still it is scrolling down .damn hehe
Please help me out if u know what causing this problem . I will be very grateful to you :)
Do you lean on the spacebar? Also it could be a virus or the space bar acting up but you should scan your computer
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