Ethernet wiring problems


New Member
I just had my house wired for ethernet jacks. In one bedroom, there are jacks on two walls. In the first box, there are two cables. One is the feed from the switch in the basement, and the other is the wire that feeds the jack on the other side of the room. If I connect the feed wire directly to a jack, that connection works fine. If I splice into the feed wire to supply the other jack, the farther jack works but the jack being fed directly stops working. I have triple checked the wiring with a cable tester. The wire coming from the switch in the basement tests fine. The wire that runs from the first wall box to the second jack tests fine. I'm not sure what is causing the issue, it makes no sense to me that the wires and connections pass with the tester but my laptop won't connect when I have both jacks wired. Any suggestions? Thanks in advance.
Providing the wires are spliced together properly, it should work. Are the color codes matching? Its also possible that since there are 2 jacks being fed by one cable then you may need to use a switch in that room to feed the other side.
It's beginning to look like feeding both jacks from one wire isn't going to work. If I connect each jack separately the both work. When I splice in the farther jack, only it works. If I plug my laptop into the closer jack when the farther jack is spliced in, it attempts to connect but fails and I get a message saying no network connection. It will attempt about three times and just quit.
Then it looks like you'll need a switch in that bedroom to feed the other jack. You can put in 2 jacks in the first box. Cable from the switch downstairs gets connected to one jack and then the other jack gets connected to the cable that goes to the other outlet. Buy a cheap 4 port switch and put it in that room, connect a cable from one jack to the switch as an input and then a cable from the switch back down to the other jack that feeds the one on the other side of the room. Connect pc/laptop to the switch and then where the single jack is on the other side you can connect another pc. Or you can just get a switch and run a cable from one side of the room to the other side that has the switch.
If you paid someone to do it then they didn't complete the job.

Otherwise it sounds extra hacky, ethernet is pretty straightforward just have tight terminations and don't daisy chain it together.
If you paid someone to do it then they didn't complete the job.

Otherwise it sounds extra hacky, ethernet is pretty straightforward just have tight terminations and don't daisy chain it together.
Hooking them up daisy chain seems to be what keeps them both from working then?
Hooking them up daisy chain seems to be what keeps them both from working then?
Most likely, those should never be daisy chained. If they were then they were wired for phone service and not data service.
They were wired by a friend, and he wasn't aware that daisy chaining was a no go. We're going to pull a few new wires to correct the problem.
cool yeah just have dedicated ones and backhaul them to the same location then you can just patch them into a switch and voila