Erasing Hard drive


New Member
I have an old Qantex desk top running Windows 95, which I want to donate to a local charity. (Yes they are willing to accept antiques.) Before I donate it I want to wipe the hard drive. I bought White Canyons WipeDrive 6, but have not been able to get it to work. White Canyon says my Qantex is so old that it will not boot from the WipeDrive disk. Can anyone offer a suggestion as to how I can get the hard drive wiped? I have considered using a firing squad, but thought I would consult some experts first.
Pull the drive and stick it in another machine, then use something like KillDisk or Derik's Boot n Nuke.
Wow you donate it?
If I knew that,I would tell you to donate it to me lol and in return I would make you dozens of computer software services for free lol.Yes for FREE :D
And yes I love antiques.They are my favorite :)
It's too bad I do not know anyone who has them and would like to give them to someone :):P

Anyway I recommend you Kill Disk.It does the job great.
You can boot it from CD or any USB removable media.
Also you can always take the HDD out,connect it to another computer and use the kill disk from there to erase the HDD.

Oh and if you know someone who is giving antiques,let me know:D