Ok guys, back to the original topic and question. If you guys need to debate over WPA vs WEP, start a new thread please.
Well, for your WEP, depending on your wireless controller; windows or the one that came preinstalled on your laptop, it should recognize your connection. Then, once it does, most cases it should detect wether it is ecrypted with 64 or 128 also. If not, there should be an option to select 64 or 128. Next, in your router settings, 4 keys should have been generated when you setup your WEP.
It's usually:
Key 1 - aaaaaaaaaa
Key 2 - bbbbbbbbbb
Key 3 - cccccccccc
Key 4 - dddddddddd
Then most cases, Key 1 should be checked or selected as default. Now, copy the key and make sure it is correct. Go over to your WEP connection that you are trying to get to connect to your router on your laptop. Here, default, it should have Key 1 selected also. Just type in the key into the space of Key 1. So in this example, aaaaaaaaaa. Set it up and you should be good to go.