eBay goods.....

Looks like copyright infringement to me. If you were allowed to do that I'd be a millionaire by now :)
It was a cd that contained Micrsoft Office 2003 with a cd-key. Obviously a downloaded and burnt copy. He was selling it for 9 pounds.....I had a feeling it would be removed.
Twas fun, bit of ye olde excitment lol.

Sold 5 of them lol, but somehow theres one guy thats sold around about 18!
Well I sure don't need no "eBay" for this stuff, I've got Georgey-Boy the old chap in his early 60s selling them outside a train station - I really should bring a photo, he has this cart-sort thing with wheels and he has shoe-boxes in it PILED with CDs and DVDs, I saw him bribing some young cops with free CDs once, each left with like 20 CDs, I've been seeing him there since 2001 every day except for Modnays. It's ridiculous, I should post I picture some time; when I get one that is.
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If microsoft lowered their prices slightly maybe piracy would come down.
I certainly agree with that, it's £200 for the full, OEM version of office 2003, it;s just a total rip off, if it was more like £50, then i would be willing to pay, but £200 is just ridiculous, the computer i am hoping to buy is less than that, then to provide it with full legal software I am expected to pay £200 on top, i don't think so, most people cannot afford that, so they end up going with the illegal route
How much does Windows XP Home retail for over here? £55? I think they should include the 2003 office suite in with that at least. You can pick up an illegal copy of windows for £2-3.
How much does Windows XP Home retail for over here? £55? I think they should include the 2003 office suite in with that at least. You can pick up an illegal copy of windows for £2-3.
or free if you know where to go :rolleyes:
And yes, that would be a great idea, i mean how muhc does it cost to create each cd? next to nohthing, i know that isn't taking in development costs, but they must be close to 90% profit on Office and XP, now if they were to lower the price so initally it would take them longer to recover the money, but over time they still would, and people would be more willing to buy, XP home is about £13 less in the US, i know UK has VAT etc, but that £13 puts it below £50, which i would be *slightly* more inclined to buy, moreso if ti was XP pro