Easter egg


Well-Known Member
Just a simple question? I know the answer already. But I like to see other people answers.

In Computer terms, What is the meaning of a "Easter Egg"?

Just something fun for a change.
This is the only electronic easter egg I know of

I remember the Z80 microprocessor that used the term also.
75 instructions that was not reported in the instruction set.
Heard they were not implemented because they were not useful instructions.
Found this one recently.
"Type", In Google search you can type "Do A Barrel Roll" (No quotes) in the search box and the page will tilt and rotate 360 degrees.
If using XP try going to start / run and typing 'telnet towel.blinkenlights.nl'
Im sure many will remember this one.
That's not an Easter Egg I don't think. All you're doing there is connecting to a Telnet server I think.