dvd will not play sound


New Member
I can't get any sound form the dvd player. :mad:

But speaker are working fine
I got sound from another tune I play in media player
I played another DVD (3 diffrent one) still no sound,
I cheak the controls I no change
I still can't get any sound form player DVD
BUT the pitcute is pefert. :)

Can anyone help? :D
I had the same problem, Mine was the program had some kind of audio conflict with my tv tuner. But make sure all your volumes are turned up. Make sure you have the correct drivers being used for you audio card.
I have cheack every thing upto date this has JUST happen it was fine tuesday. it now it no sound

there was JUSt one another thing for some strange reason the DVD reagion got (BY IS SELF) I never tought that) I had to change it toBAck ot Region 2 I never change it in the first place!!!!
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You really must give system specs such as soundcard make and model etc... Anyhow some cards have a reset to default for the drivers which I find usefull when such problems occur. If you dont have such an option like Start/All Programs/creative/restore defaults, as an example. then you might consider reinstalling the Sound drivers to see if this corrects your problem.
elmarcorulz said:
have you only tried playing it in windows media player? or have you tried others

firslty I have try playing it inMeadi player still no sound.

I look in at that restet button
i dont know if u tried these yet.. but here goes..

u can check the volume options in accessories>multimedia>volume control
-make sure nothing is muted

if you know or have your driver, delete any previous driver in device manager and reinstall it or update it

do you have 2 sound cards set up?
-a pci and an onboard.. if u are using pci.. make sure onboard is disabled in bios

try if any works
right just to inform yuo teh dvd power need to be fully activeed . after I doen tha tI got my sound back great :)

THANK YOU ALL FOR HELPING and keep up the good work!! :cool: